
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. After graduating from the Carlson School at the University of Minnesota with a BSB in Finance, I moved to Los Angeles. Without knowing a single person, and without a job lined up, I found an apartment online that was smack dab in the middle of the Los Angeles area, in a city I had never heard of, called West Hollywood. After that, I never looked back.
I have been active in politics - local and national - since I was a child. Born to parents that were an attorney and a police officer, being an active political participant was ingrained in me at a very young age. I have volunteered on campaigns in the diverse communities of Minnesota and California on issues and campaigns ranging from local city officials to Presidential candidates. As a lifelong community organizer, I have done everything from passing out buttons and candy in parades when I was 10 years old for candidates I believed in, to running an entire polling precinct in a Presidential Primary Election.
Now, I am running for West Hollywood City Council to fight for a more fair, inclusive, and just city. For too long, our leaders have prioritized their personal power over the power of our community. Politicians are so good at saying the right thing, but when it comes to action, they have no plan. As we get closer to the election, I will release my Plan of Action for all of my Campaign Visions. Please reach out to me directly if you'd like to know more, and I am happy to share those plans with you. In the meantime, join my campaign today and help us ensure every citizen, regardless of their background, can reach their full potential!